2 participants: 5% Group Discount
3 to 5 participants: 10% Group Discount
6 or more participants: 15% Group Discount
Group discount applies for payment one week prior to the training date
(Available also for customised Training by Duration, Venue & Fee)
Theme: Digital Transformation - The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education and Library
Course Description
Digital transformation is
the integration of digital technology into different areas, fundamentally
changing the way we operate and deliver value to stakeholders. This new digital
landscape has gathered new tools and technologies and ranges of perspectives on
digital transformation not only in the education system but has also created
various disruptions for librarians.
Research connecting
artificial intelligence (AI) to librarianship remains quite low. While the
topic has been expanding exponentially in other fields, this has not been the
case for all of the information sciences. Others are working on
actively integrating AI into the virtual reference process through automated
chatbots and a participatory culture that allows users to engage in the
learning experience with the technology. The course will include but is not limited to discussion and deliberations on many of the issues emerging in relevance to
digital transformation in many sectors of the Innovative Research and Knowledge
To discuss the rising
contemporary issues related to digital distraction in an information world
Increase opportunities to
share innovative practices and concepts across the profession, nationally and
internationally, and among all libraries.
Increase recognition of and
support for experimentation with innovative and transformational ideas.
Help libraries and
information centres make use of new and emerging technologies by promoting and
supporting technological experimentation and innovation.
Increase leadership
development and training opportunities designed to support the ongoing
transformation of libraries.
Course Outline
Artificial Intelligence Applications in Education and Library
Digital Transformation of Information and its
Impact on Society
AI and the Application in Libraries
Copyrights and licensing issues of digital content
Knowledge Management and Role of Librarians
Transborder flow of information in a digital aeon.
Convergence of Knowledge Management and Learning
Social Media Tools and E-Learning
Copyright Laws & Policies
Plagiarism and Piracy in the digital world
Who Should
The course would provide opportunities to meet
and hear from library professionals, leaders, and information scientists in all
types of libraries and information centers across the globe, some of the
categories are:
Academic Fraternity from Teaching, Learning, and
Library and Information Science Professionals
Information Technology Professionals
Research Scholars and Students
Information Scientists
This course is
non-residential. Participants are to lodge in hotels of their choice near the
Training Center. A list of these Hotels will be provided upon request.
Here is what members who attended E-library Management Courses said
Mrs Olabisi F. Adesina
Electronic Librarian, University Of Ilorin,
organizers of this conference have been wonderful; the course contents are rich
and well delivered, the environment is also an enabling one while they did
their best to make participants comfortable.
conference was educative and informative, kudos to the facilitators, I hope to
maximize and use the knowledge to pilot the affairs of my library
facilitators were able to use the emergence of electronic information resources
to meet the expectations of the participants.
Kanu Chidi
Librarian, Michael Okpara University Of Agric, Umudike
big thanks to the facilitator, he made his lectures very interesting and
practical. More of his likes should be invited yearly.
topics discussed were very interesting and relevant to our different workplaces
and relevant ideas were exchanged.
Abubakar S. Ruma
Senior Librarian, Energy Commission of Nigeria
conference has enhanced my productivity and experience in terms of metadata
Kehboh Tarela
Principal Librarian, College Of Education, Sagbama, Bayelsa State
conference has helped me in my present work by informing management on the need
for E-library facilities in our organization
Chris Shuaibu Kuh
Chief Library Officer, Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology
It is quite interesting and knowledgeable and the content of the papers
are sound
Aliyu Muhammed
Chief Library Officer, Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology
Itis a very organized program
with a good hospitality and conducivelearning environment
Lawal Muhammed Abdulkadir
Chief Library Officer, Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology
I really appreciate the conference and the next time I will choose you
for my training
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