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3 to 5 participants: 10% Group Discount
6 or more participants: 15% Group Discount
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E-Library Management - Extending Modern Technology to Libraries Training
Course Description
Libraries, especially digital
libraries, are truly at the heart of knowledge societies; they enable
people to access, share, and apply knowledge. Digital libraries provide
access to many of the knowledge networks around the world, which is a
necessary component of a knowledge society. Digital libraries have
traditionally been positioned at the intersection of library science,
computer science, and networked information systems.
In Nigeria, several government ministries
and organizations were also considering possibilities on how they should
start the DL development process at the national level? What resources
should be digitized? Where from funds will come? As a beginner, many
private and government organizations started their own websites
capturing limited resources in the digital form, however, no formal
strategic and coordinated initiative were taken until then. Moreover,
not many windows were open in Nigeria for library professionals to learn
more about the advancement of digital libraries.
We at CPSPD had understood in early 2010
that the era of digital library and digitization had started for
capturing and dissemination of knowledge in the developed world and many
users and organizations across the world immensely benefitted from it.
CPSPD idea of annual e-library conference
since 2013 was to bridge the gap between Nigeria and other developed
nations to address the challenges and opportunities with respect to digitization of resources.
Training Profile
Digital libraries: problems and prospects
Extending Benefits of Modern Technology to Public, Academic and Special Libraries
Organization of digital library in the University Library System
Collaboration in public library
Use of virtual learning environment in higher education to teach digital natives: A case study
Digital Libraries Development and Management: Institutional Repositories in Nigeria - A Study
Knowledge management in academic libraries: A brief review
Who Should Attend
Librarians, Library Officers, Lecturers, ICT staff etc in Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education
Here is what members who attended E-library Management Courses said
Mrs Olabisi F. Adesina
Electronic Librarian, University Of Ilorin,
organizers of this conference have been wonderful; the course contents are rich
and well delivered, the environment is also an enabling one while they did
their best to make participants comfortable.
conference was educative and informative, kudos to the facilitators, I hope to
maximize and use the knowledge to pilot the affairs of my library
facilitators were able to use the emergence of electronic information resources
to meet the expectations of the participants.
Kanu Chidi
Librarian, Michael Okpara University Of Agric, Umudike
big thanks to the facilitator, he made his lectures very interesting and
practical. More of his likes should be invited yearly.
topics discussed were very interesting and relevant to our different workplaces
and relevant ideas were exchanged.
Abubakar S. Ruma
Senior Librarian, Energy Commission of Nigeria
conference has enhanced my productivity and experience in terms of metadata
Kehboh Tarela
Principal Librarian, College Of Education, Sagbama, Bayelsa State
conference has helped me in my present work by informing management on the need
for E-library facilities in our organization
Chris Shuaibu Kuh
Chief Library Officer, Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology
It is quite interesting and knowledgeable and the content of the papers
are sound
Aliyu Muhammed
Chief Library Officer, Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology
Itis a very organized program
with a good hospitality and conducivelearning environment
Lawal Muhammed Abdulkadir
Chief Library Officer, Nigerian Institute of Transport Technology
I really appreciate the conference and the next time I will choose you
for my training
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